Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Take Me Along, If You Love Me

 How many of you have lived on this planet long enough to remember United Air Lines advertising campaign saying "Take me along if you love me"?  It was meant for guys who flew a lot on business trips, yes guys, to take their wives along with them on those business trips. United dropped this promotion because they found out that guys were bringing along a female companion but they weren't the guys wife. That lady didn't qualify for the "spouse" title, and the lady that he was traveling with, let's just say the guy was not legally tied to.  The result of this promotion was a rash of divorces, but that's a different story.

A majority of the time when I travel I take my golf clubs. I take them along because for the most part I love them most of the time. Yes, my wife plays golf as well and she normally is with me when I travel, as she does the driving. I love her to even more than my golf clubs. She loves golf almost more than I do, if I didn't take her along I would once again be sleeping in that dog house that I mentioned in my other blog, David Rallis Writes ( it out). I do take her along most of the time because not only does she love the game of golf, but I love her and enjoy being with her especially to play golf.  She loves me-I think. I can't not take her along because as I mentioned before she does the driving. That's another story in and of itself but we won't go there right now. 

There are times when I visit my daughters, one lives in Las Vegas and the other in Spokane, Washington, that I fly and I take my clubs.  My wife does not come with me on these trip, but I do take my clubs. My daughter in Las Vegas is quite the golfer and when I am in Spokane I like to play a round with my son-in-law, and I should clarify that is a round of golf so get your mind out of the gutter, who used to be a Class A Pro at a country club. Life is tough, isn't it but golf is always on my mind when I travel. 

As we travel about the country, usually somewhere around the State Of California and we are driving to one of our timeshares, we pass some great golf courses. The timeshare is another story, but I will save it for another post.  When we travel on I-5 through the Los Angeles area we pass right by the courses at Griffith Park.  I haven't played much golf in the Los Angeles area but whenever we pass Griffith Park and see the courses on the right side of the freeway, I always say, "We should play there some day." Denise's reply is always, "Why?"  I must admit that she is the realist of the family.  Don't worry, we will get to play Griffith Park someday. The same is true with San Clemente Muni. 

I originally intended this post to be about how I almost always take my golf clubs along with me on trips.  It kind of morphed into how when I travel out of town and take my golf clubs, I am normally graced by the presence of my lovely wife.  All things considered I think that's a good thing. I guess that it can be said that in general when I travel I take along two very special things in my life, my golf clubs and my wife, not necessarily in that order dear.  Yes I do take her along because I love her, I really do and she does the driving.  

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