It's Thursday night. Tomorrow I will do battle with the others that strive for the prize in our high-stakes golf game. The competition is tough, and I will show no quarter. We play a skins game with birdies, sandy pars and greenies geeting you into the pay column. Just to make things a bit more interesting and fair, there are no carryovers from hole to hole and one tie, all tie amongst the between five to 12 competitors-by the way it is late and this is the third time I have tried to spell competitors.
Expectations will run high. Who will be the big winner today? Excuse me now, I must go and begin my ritual to mentally charge up and prepare for the rigors of competition tomorrow. Twenty-five cents is a lot to loose on a hole. I must be sharp. Actually, I am going to bed.
That's me, by the way preparing for tomorrow. I am not going to say what was in that cup, you can draw your own conclusions-I don't drink by the way. That's not that great a picture, I look heavier than I actually am. They say the camera puts on several pounds and this was before I lost my 75 pounds. I seriously did loose the weight, and I feel much better and can hit the golf ball better. I gained 25 pounds back but I won't explain to you why. The guilty parties shall remain nameless and she hits the ball pretty well too. I'm babbling on now because it is late. Good night!
You know, that line about showing no quarter was a good one. Ha, Ha we are playing for quarters get it? I know, go to bed. Forgive me, I am getting a bit crazy so I am off to bed.
I think that----will you go to bed already? OK, I'm off to bed. I should have stopped
writing before I added the picture. I'm done now and it is off to bed.
I had black hair when I was younger, I sure have gotten gray---WILL YOU GO TO BED ALREADY!!!!!!
I love golf! Come experience with me the world of golf from an author and photographer's point of view. Explore courses, share travel adventures and golf destinations with me all from my irreverent point of view. This is a where to play (courses I have played),where to stay (hotels and lodging), where to eat (restaurants) and what to do when you are not playing site written by an average golfer with an average budget's point of view. See what is on my mind as far as the world of golf.

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