Monday, July 22, 2013

Way To Go Phil!

     I have always been a Phil Mickelson fan from way back.  I love his fresh personality and his "Go for broke" attitude.  Besides, not only is he a golfer but he is a pilot as well.  By the way, did Phil fly his plane to Scotland or did they fly commercial?  I wonder. At any rate, Congratulations Phil on your Open victory.  You deserve it.
     OK, I admit watching you come up to the eighteenth hole with a two shot lead wondering if you were going to drive the ball somewhere into England out of bounds. But no, I was proud of you.  You kept the ball in play and birdied the last hole.  You went from a two shot lead to seal the deal with a three shot slam-dunk.  What a day!
     That claret jug looked good in your hands.
Its not Muirfield in Scotland, but nevertheless its very beautiful and on the ocean.

Monday, July 15, 2013

I Made It!

     The deed is done!  I made it and lived to tell the tale.  I survived the 110 degree day in the heat of the afternoon.  Will wonders never cease.  Shot a good round too.
     As a writer, you are never supposed to start a story with "The day was....".  Well, The day was overcast and the heat had not peaked as we teed off.  I was prepared for the heat.  What was unexpected was there was a bit of monsoonal moisture which flowed up from Mexico which made the day very humid.  The temperature was not what you would call comfortable. It was hot and humid, but bearable.
     I came prepared for the heat. My normal hot weather equipment includes a large spray bottle and towels so I can spray myself down with cold water.  This worked for most of the day, even though the humidity was up. I was 13 over at the turn.  Sweating like a pig and hot, but comfortable.
     The clouds disappeared and the temperature began to soar.  It got hotter, and you could feel the temperature leap.  The eighteenth hole was a welcome sight, even though I double bogeyed it to shoot a 96.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

I'm Still Here...I'm Just Resting

     I want you to know that I am still here.  Sorry for the extended vacation, but I will be returning to regular posts probably tomorrow.  I took a couple of days off for a sort of vacation around the 4th and it turned into a longer vacation than I thought as well as a sort of strategy session for what I will be doing soon with my writing and other opportunities.  I am excited about these things and will keep you posted.
Golf In Canada--Vancouver

Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm Going In...Supplemental

     It's HOT out here.  The thermometer said 106...It's HOT!!! I'm melting.  Wait a minute, I'm not the wicked witch of the west.  This isn't Kansas though and I don't have a dog named Toto.

This Is It...I'm Goin In!

     Why do I do things that are not exactly the smartest things or healthiest things to do?  I guess it is my quest for what is different and what is truly risky.  I won't bungie jump, if that is what you are thinking.  I have some self preservation instincts.  However, I will go to great lengths to bring a story to you.  Today, it will be at least 111 outside and I am going to play golf.  I think they call it excessive heat, and there is an excessive heat warning.
     We tee off at 1:00.  Denise was supposed to play, but she has a brain, unlike me. This has to be done, if not only to warn off other idiots that have the same notion to play in such excessive heat. Denise did ask me if I have changed the beneficiary notification on my insurance policies. She also asked where the will is.  Does she know something I don't?
     The guys I am playing with today, they are policemen by the way, talked me into this.  I wanted to play in the cooler morning but they couldn't get off from work.  This was the earliest they could play today and wouldn't have a day off for a while.  It was tay at 1 or nothing.  I have been assured by one of them, supposedly my friend, that the heat of the day doesn't peak until around 4-5, so we will be OK.  So what that means is that instead of playing in 111 degrees, we will only be playing in 108.  You know, three degrees does make a difference.
    "Tis a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done." That is out of Tale of Two Cities by Dickens I think.  What do I know, I've never read the book but I think it is in there.  What has that got to do with playing golf on a day when the temperature is 111?  I am making the supreme sacrifice for you , my readers.  I don't mind though.  Somebody has to do it.
     It's hot outside!
Avalon on Catalina Island.  Had a great time, wish I was there.  It's a lot cooler.  they have a golf course on the island.  The pro has been bugging me for years to play it.  Oh no, I have to go play in Fresno where the temperature is 111.


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Important Question

     This post will be short and simple.  I have to pose a very important question, given the extreme sacrifice I am about to make on Monday.  The temperature is supposed to soar above the 110 degree mark and my group is planning to tee off at 1:00.  As I have said, I am going to play but the important question is...At what point do golf balls melt?
Something cool and refreshing on this hot day.

Friday, June 28, 2013

I WILL do my duty!

     During the summer, most sane people play golf in the early morning in Fresno before it gets to the normal daily heat.  Temperatures this time of year soar into the mid 100's, so you want to get your round in as early as you can.  Most tee off before 9 A.M., and I prefer dawn patrol and teeing off as the sun is rising.  This means at the golf course with coffee and breakfast in the clubhouse at about 5:45 or earlier.
     I have a solunm (dikshunary time, solemn) duty to you as my readers to bring to you the stories that make golf fun and interesting.  I will go to any and all lengths and risk to get that story or tidbit that I know I should share with you. It takes a lot of courage, but it has to be done. Monday, I will sacrifice myself to you and the gods of golf and play in the oppressive heat of midday. Temperatures are supposed to soar to around 111, so this may turn out to be the supreme sacrifice.  It is after all a selfless act of giving, and all for you.
     Three of us are going to brave the intense heat of day and play a wonderful course in Dinuba, Ca.  I like the course and plan to do a spotlight on it next week with pictures should I survive the ordeal.  As you know, Denise plays golf as well, but she is the sensible one in the group--actually the one who has half a brain--and thinks it is going to be too hot. She refuses to play in such stifling heat--wimp.  I have written the burial instruction and funeral requests should I expire on the heated plain of battle--uh course.  Sorry, I'm getting a bit too carried away.
     I pan to drink a lot of water between then and now and hydrate myself.  I know that there is the possibility of heat stroke, so I will be very careful. I still have some gift certificate money left over from the wedding so I plan to go to Home Depot and buy one of those cool towels and see if they work.  I will let you know.  Maybe this is a good opening to the company to seek an endorsement for the product.  I do need sponsors if I am going to make the rent.
     Wish me luck---I'm going in!
I will have this on my mind on Monday as I play in the 111 degree heat  Monday.  Oh,  I forgot it was hot there too.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Quick Post Today...Got To Go To Court

     Can't write much today as I am on my way to Merced with Denise.  Her son's dog ate a chihuahua and she is being sued for the damages.  It wasn't ever her dog.
     There is a fine golf course near Merced in the town of Atwater.  It is called Rancho Del Rey and I have played it.  Hopefully, I will get up there soon and have a review with pictures.  Stay tuned, I have to run. Enjoy today's picture, which has absolutely nothing to do with today's post.
No golf course or dog picture, but you can enjoy these wild turkeys.  The shot was taken on a golf course, if that counts. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

I Miss It A Lot!

     Today is Monday.  I am really sad because I miss playing with my normal group on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I really miss these guys.
     I want everyone to know that I am not playing because I have got married two weeks ago and my new bride is taking up all my time.  In fact, she wants to play more than I do.  That is not it.  It seems as though life is just not going in the direction I want it to.  I take that back, it is going in a way I want it too, its just that I may have to take care of business and work on that business instead of having fun.
     You may say that golf is my business.  That isn't exactly true.  Writing is my business and I write about golf.  Right now, golf is not paying the bills, writing is. I have been blessed with picking up a couple of new clients, which is great.  I must also do the business of getting business. That takes up a lot of time as well.
     Here's to the Monday, Wednesday, Friday Seniors skins group.  I have had many a fun time playing with you guys and I miss you a lot.  Don't worry, I will be back and hopefully soon.
I really miss this.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's Sunday...

Hi everyone.  Thanks you for tuning into my blog on golf.  Today is Sunday and tomorrow I have a very busy writing day ahead, so I am taking today off.  Tonight I going to a B.B.Q. and am watching the Giants on T.V. right now. This is relaxation!. I will have a post tomorrow.
Time for a little libation.  

Saturday, June 22, 2013


     It is Saturday and should be a day off.  I should be out chasing the little white ball around the course.  That is not to be today as I have a lot to do.  At some point, soon I hope, things will get back to some state of normalcy and I will be able to play golf once a gain on a regular basis.
     I miss playing golf. Denise misses playing golf.  There is nothing better to do than to chase that little white ball around a grassy field.  It is not to be right now. Maybe when the house is put together as we want it and there is nothing else to move or place in that special spot.  Oh well, life goes on.
Maybe I'll take up wing walking.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Small Ball v. The Home Run

     Yes, I do know that my title is a baseball reference.  Some of my readers in other countries probably won't understand what I am trying to compare here.  Bear with me on this and I hope that I can make it clear.
     In baseball, and most baseball fans know this, there are two ways to score.  The first way is what is called "small ball" where you try to get as many base runners on the bases and move them over with small hits.  You score by moving runners in small increments, not all i one fell swoop.  Then there is "The Home Run", where you score a run in one swing of the bat by hitting the ball a long way and out of the ball park. Either method scores runs.  "Small Ball" uses strategy and finesse where as the "Home Run" in baseball is nothing but brute strength. Which is better? It depends.
     What does this have to do with golf.  Funny you should ask. The same principles apply in golf as to how the sport is played.  You have the long hitters and you have the short hitters.  Among amateurs at least, most long hitters don't have a great short game and most short hitters don't hit the ball far but they score using a fantastic short game.  You have to remember now that this is a generalization and I have seen long hitters with great short games, and I have seen short hitter who couldn't putt. But in most cases, the generalization holds true.
     I am a bit prejudicial toward  "small ball".  I am a short hitter.  In fact, I have trounced many a long hitter by having a great short game as my weapon of choice.  I love to have a long hitter go driver wedge on a long  par four and get on in two. I may use driver three wood and be off the green, but recover with a great chip shot close to the hole and make my putt for par.  The long hitter on the other hand three putts and I win the hole.  I am in awe though of that long hitter and wish I could hit the ball further.
    I suppose with some lessons and some conditioning, I could hit the ball further, but my question would be "Why"?  I shoot in the middle 80's to low 90's and I am happy with that, so why work on it?  I am happy with it and I do chip and putt well. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I am almost sixty years old and enjoy the game. Why cause disruption to my well-being.  I have all the frustration in my life so don't add to it by messing up my golf game.
     Golf courses are meant to be played, not brought to their knees by going past all the interesting parts of the course.  They were designed to be enjoyed and to be a challenge.  The game is supposed to be fun and a challenge.  Length is a good thing, but it isn't everything. Even if you do hit it far, you still must do the little things well in order to score. I like a good baseball game where there are a lot of walks and singles and strategy is used to get the runners to score.  I also like a game with a lot of home runs.
     At 6996 yards, Merion is a short course. It took its toll on the long ball hitters.  The short game was a premium. Golf is a skill game as well as a power game.  You could have the strength, but you also must have the skill as well. Merion showed us that.  To me, skill wins.
Don't drive the ball far, but I can putt!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Golf Is Life...But So Is Moving and Getting Married

     As I get older, life and golf have a tendency to collide. When they hit, there is a massive crash that can be heard the world over.  Things have a tendency to order themselves into priorities in ways we don't always want them to align.  Sometimes we have to just "suck it up" and be mature about life.
     To be honest, I would rather be out playing golf, especially with my wife. That is not going to happen.  I am going to take the mature road and stay home to do the chores that need to be done here around the house.  We just moved into a house and there is unpacking to do.  The yard beckons.  Oh well, choices and priorities.
     Hey wait a minute.  Something just dawned on me.  I am a golf writer.  That is my job.  Playing golf is part of what I do for a living and work is a very mature thing to do.  It is a great day, the weather is beautiful and I think I am going to go to work.  Where are my sticks?
     What's that dear?  I need to hang the pictures in the living room.  We have to cut the grass and weed the flower beds.  All the moving boxes need to be broken down and placed in the recycle bin.  OK, I'm coming.   Can we play golf tomorrow? We'll see?  O.K.
Here's the first tee and starter.  Haven't seen one of these in a long time.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Merion: What An Open

     I was a bit skeptical.  The decision to return to Merion Country Club was a good one and I was excited. However, I thought that the course was too short to host a U. S. Open and I was not the only one with that line of thinking. To that, I want to share this story.
     About three years ago I played in a tournament that was played in Monterey, California at  a course called Monterey Pines.  The course is one of my favorites and was celebrating the Grand Opening of the course after several years of renovation.  Owned by the Navy and referred to as the Navy Course, it is located on the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey close to the Monterey Airport and Monterey County Fairgrounds.  I am not going to say much about the course other than it is short and a fantastic test of golf.  I got to the course and was eager to play in the tournament.  I wondered who was going to be on my team as it was a four-person scramble event.
     The three other players on my team were an interesting mix.  First there was Al, who was the director of the Naval Postgraduate School.  Next, there was Jim, who was the commanding officer of Naval Air Station Lemoore.  We became good friends, by the way, and played golf together in Fresno many times.  The third and last member of our group was Ron Read, who is the starter for the U.S.G.A.. Ron rode with me and we chatted about many things golf and otherwise.
     Just a short time before we played the Monterey tournament, the U.S. Open rotation was announced and Merion was on the list.  I was curious about this, but very happy.  Lee Trevino's victory and the wicker baskets were very clear in my mind.  So, I started to talk about the 2013 open and Merion with Ron.
     "So Ron, I saw the courses slated in the U.S. Open pool and was very excited.  I also noticed that The Open is going to return to Merion.  That is great that The U.S.G. A. is going to return to such a great classic course.  I am kind of wondering what the winning score is going to be on such a short course.  What is your prediction?  Would you say about ten to twelve under?  The long hitter of today should tear up such a short course."
     A wry smile came over his face. It was as if he knew something I didn't.  I get that smile from a lot of people.  Maybe I don't know as much as I think I know, but that is another story. He very calmly and simply said to me in a very authoritative voice, "They are going to be lucky to break even par. We're ready for them."
     That was the end of our conversation about Merion.  It wasn't that we wanted to continue the conversation about Merion, its just that the tournament was progressing and we had shots to hit. We proceeded to talk about many other golf related topics, but never returned to the subject of the open at Merion.
      What was Justin Rose's winning score at Merion?  Oh yes, it was +1. I guess Ron was right. The great lady of Merion withstood the onslaught and won.  Sometimes, bigger is not better.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Feel For Phil

     I know how you feel, Phil.  I have been there before, maybe not with the U.S. Open on the line but I have been there and feel your pain. I am with you, and you are my brother.
     I couldn't watch the final round of the U.S. Open this year as I was at a Father's day gathering with family.  I was curious as to what was happening, but didn't want to know because my wife was recording the tourney so that we could watch it later when we got home.  I was pulling for "Lefty".  There had to be a first Open for him. But alas, this was not to be this day.  Also, we wound up not watching the tourney because we found out the results while we were eating hamburgers at Red Robin and the basketball game was on.  Unfortunately, as Ricky Bobby would say, second place is first looser. Second place hurts, especially when you are so close.  That is part of the game, I suppose but it still hurts.
     As many of my friends know, I play tournament golf.  It is not at the caliber of  "Lefty" as my challenges are of the local club variety, but they are tournaments nevertheless. When I play these tourneys I am subject to the same emotions and pressures as a professional, maybe not as intense but still the same. Lee Trevino said it best when he said, "Pressure is when you are playing for five dollars and you only have three dollars in your pocket."
     I have won many times, as has Phil. I have also felt the hurt of coming in second or of finishing "out of the money" as well. If you look at it though, that is the beauty of the game.  There is always a "next time" and we always come back. Tomorrow is another day. We play because we enjoy the game and competition.  Winning is great and we play to win but don't always.  The bottom line is that we play a fun game,sometimes a strange and funny game but we don't give up because it is so much fun.
     In a tournament, I blew an eleven stroke lead with four holes to play.  Another tournament saw my partner and I needing a three putt to win and wound up six putting to finish out of the money.  I have been beaten 6-5 in match play, but I still keep coming back to play. One tournament saw me playing with a pulled hamstring which was healthy at the beginning of the round and hurting badly on the last seven holes.  I finished the tournament and my team was only one stroke out of the money. Yes, it is only a game, but a game that is addictive and I will be back for more.
     Happy 43rd birthday Phil!  I am with you and you will get your Open.
We just keep soldiering on.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I've Been Away From My Post For Far Too Long

     I thought it was time to get back to my golf blog.  I have been away for far too long.  I have to apologize for that as I am in the middle of writing a book under a contract and really haven't had a lot of extra time.  Well, I am going to get back to this as I love to write and I love to write about golf. At any rate, I want to thank all of you who have been reading and laughing with me.  I assure you that there will be more to come.
     The book I am writing is about another sport, baseball. I will have more information about that later.  The other day, my collaborator and I were at a baseball game and he introduced me to a lot of people as he is my writer. I was proud of this and proud that he was working with me.  But, I did realize after the subject of golf came up that I am most at home when I am writing about golf. So, it is time to get back to writing about it.  It is time to come home.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's Not Rain, It's Liquid Sunshine

     What do you do if it rains?  How about if it looks like it is going to rain but isn't raining yet? What about if you are going to go out of town and the forecast is for rain, but it isn't raining?  What do you do? Are you going to play golf?  Go for it!
     I must admit that I am getting older and my thoughts about this have changed and are becoming a bit more conservative.  I will not play in a tornado or a hurricane.  If it is super cold and it looks like snow, no way. I draw the line at wind, hard rain and cold. I will play though if it is raining, provided it is a light rain and not too windy. It just depends.
    Where I am playing also has a role in the decision.  If I am playing at my local club and I know that I will be back and it is raining like cats and dogs, forget it.  However, if I am playing Spanish Bay in Monterey I am going to finish the round no matter how miserable the conditions.  In fact, I have finished a round there in a driving rainstorm.  It took me a week to defrost and to dry up, but it was well worth the trouble. Have you ever been to Monterey to play golf?  If you have, you know what I mean and the suspension of sanity to finish the round.

The day at Bayonet. Forecast called for heavy rain. We took a chance.
     I am pretty good at watching what the weather will do.  Most of the time I am fairly accurate, but I have been fooled. Many times I have played on a day where my companions have bailed out on me because of the weather forecast.  The day turned out quite nice and the weather turned from wicked to delightful. This has happened many times, the weather going from bad to good. It has also happened the other way as well and what looked like a day where the rain will hold off turns into a torrential rain . You just have to know the signs. If you can get it in, do it!
     Recently, I was invited to play Bayonet Golf course in Monterey with two friends. Of course, rain was in the forecast and of of the two friends bowed out because of the forecast and the fact that it was raining where we live.  Yes, it was iffy to go over and take the three hour drive to go over and play.  We went over and it did rain on us on the way over.  I did check the weather map and it showed clearing in the Monterey area.  It was cloudy most of the day, but the sun did poke out and the clouds broke with the sun shining for most of the rain.  It was chilly, but pleasant and we got the round in. We had a ball.  So much for chickening out. The course was in fantastic shape and we enjoyed the trip.
     The game was invented in Scotland.  I will leave this thought today with a story that actually happened to a friend of mine.  He was on vacation in Scotland and wanted to play golf at St. Andrews Old Course, and was fortunate to get on and hired a caddy to get him around the course. The weather was threatening when they teed off and it rained for most of the round. When my friend expressed his doubts about the round and how it may be rained out his caddy responded by saying, "Aye, Laddie.  "Tis a wonderful day to play golf.  This is the way the game is meant to be played."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Play Together

     There is more to golf than just a game.  We all know what takes place during the round as far as relating to good friends.  The fellowship that happens on the course continues long after the round in the nineteenth hole, as the round is hashed over and stories are told. That is the greatness of the game, it's not just a game but a social experience that allows good friends to come together.
     Many times I have gone out to the course by myself.  Usually, I will hook up with three other golfer that are for the most part strangers.  Of those golfers I have met up with this way, many have become good friends. By the end of the round we have gotten to know one another and have related stories of families and other life experiences, not to mention the the golf stories that all golfers tell each other. That is the wonderful nature of golf, not only as a sport but as a social event.
Friends.  You can imagine the conversations.
     I hope to see you out on the course soon.  Maybe we can play together so that I can get to know you better.  I know one thing, as I golfer we can call each other friends and we can enjoy the round together.  

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hmmm...What to do today?

     I'll tell you what I am going to do today.  I'm going to play golf.  In fact, I don't have time for a lengthy post because we will miss our ten o'clock tee time.  I really am back in the saddle again, with apologies to Gene Autry.  I don't have to pay his estate a royalty, do I.  If there are any attorneys out there, please let me know.  I don't have anything to defend myself in a lawsuit, let alone pay out a settlement. Oh wait, I did pay out a settlement, and that is why I can't suffer through another one.
     I am so glad that Denise, my fiancee, plays golf.  We enjoy playing the game together. She is playing with me today. Life is so good.  Let's take a look at the day on the course. The weather will be sunny and warm with temps in the 70's.  The course is green and the greens are fast. I will be playing with a great friend and my fiancee with high expectations of some great fellowship time. What I shoot is not important, the experience is what matters.  I am playing golf today.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Playing Lombard Street

    I have heard about Chabot Golf Course in Oakland, California and have always wanted to play it.  Finally, Denise and I took a trip out of the Central Valley and took the plunge. I was not disappointed.  What a great course.
     I am not going to review the course here.  I will save that for a full review at a later date.  What I did want to share with you is the unique par six,  eighteenth hole.  I had heard of it but really didn't know what to expect. Unique is not quite the word to describe the hole.
     As you drive into the course, you look off to your right at what appears to be a very high, totally green hill, mountain actually.  At the end of this hill is a green and you notice a cement path crisscrossing the hill. On the path are small little munchkin movers-- oh, wait a minute they are golf carts.  Those are golfers.  They are playing a hole.  This doesn't look like a golf hole, it looks like Lombard Street.  This thing is steep and long.
Lombard Street.  Notice the cart path.

It's steeper than it looks. Wahoooooooo!

It is all of 600 plus yards.  Notice the cart in front of the green.
     I have a suggestion for the City of Oakland.  Put a chairlift up the side of this hill and people can ski down it.  That would help the City's budget crisis. It snows in Oakland about as often as the A's win the World Series or the Raiders win the Superbowl--I can say that because I am an A's fan. You can always rent snow making equipment.  This is not a hill, it is a mountain. What a hole!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I'm Back...Sort Of

     Well, I went out and did it yesterday.  My back is feeling much better and I actually went out and did it.  Let me explain.
     I was invited yesterday to play golf, and I went.  I didn't know how my back would hold out but I am feeling better and almost back to normal.  When I was invited to play Stevinson's Ranch, I was apprehensive but I went anyway.  I am glad that I did.
     I have no pictures and I wasn't working to share the course.  My intention was just to play and enjoy the round and get through it.  I finished out, though my back was beginning to show signs of pain on the 16th hole, which I pared by the way.  I have decided I like Stevinson's, providing the wind isn't howling at 100 MPH. It is a great track.
     Yesterday's round at Stevinson's began at check in at the pro shop.  I know that that is kind of redundant because most rounds begin when you check in with the pro shop.  OK, a confession here.  I have snuck onto a golf course without checking in, but I have only done it___times. I was impressed with the shop staff and got to have a lengthy conversation about many things related to golf with Kris who was behind the counter.  He was very helpful and I enjoyed our conversation.  Mike later joined us, who also worked in the pro shop.
      We hooked up with two other guys on the first tee.  It seems that we had been paired with a couple of guys that were very pleasant and we enjoyed the round.  Doug and Greg were from Visalia and had been playing a lot of golf lately.  We talked and laughed through the whole round making the day enjoyable.
       Yesterday was my first day back in three months, and I actually played fairly well. the lack of play on my part was evident, but I did have some great shots and birdied number three. In the words of that immortal philosopher and cowboy singer Gene Autry, "I'm back in the saddle again!".  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I'll Be Back

     Please don't get angry with me.  I know I haven't posted on this site for a couple of days, but I have been extremely busy.  I promise to post next week and be very consistent with my posts.  There is a lot to share with you about what is happening in my life and I will let you know soon.  Thanks and stay tuned.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Anchors Away, My Boys

     You may have noticed, or maybe not, that I haven't weighed in on anchored putters.  They have been outlawed by the USGA and The Royal and Ancient. My thoughts on this are if that is what they are going to do, they are the ruling body so they have a right to do it. I'm not so sure that it is a right decision but the decision is on the books and now is golf law.
     I play with a few players that use the so called "belly putter" and I am ok with that.  Many of the guys that I play golf with cannot putt with the traditional putter and in the traditional way.  If it were not for the "belly putter" they would wind up leaving the game.  Let's face it folks, the three footer still has to be made. You can miss a three footer with a "belly putter", or excused me the anchored putter, as you can with a traditional style of putting.  Believe me, I have seen this phenomenon first hand.  Even the PGA professionals miss short putts using their long putters.
     Those of you that have played with me know that my choice is a traditional putter and traditional putting style.  In all my more than 45 years of playing, I have only changed putters three or four times and have tried such putter as the "three ball".  I find that most just don't have the "feel" I need to putt well. that is just a matter of choice for me.  I make more than I miss with my putters and it is the stroke, not the putter and if my putting goes south it is because of a mechanics problem in my stroke. All I have to do is work it out and my putting improves. But, if you think that your game is better using an anchored stroke and it is keeping you in the game, by all means use the anchored stroke.
    The anchored putter and putting stroke are history whatever your opinion is. As for me, I am not so sure that is a good idea, but "them's the rules". Good luck!  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Yesterday's Tournament Results

     Yesterday, as you know, was New Year's Day.  It is traditional for me to play in what is called "The Hair Of The Dog" tournament. As I said earlier, New Year's Day for me is a non-holiday and winds up being fairly boring.  There is only so much football you can watch and really there is only one real "bowl" game and that is the Rose Bowl from Pasadena. So it winds up being before the game watching a stupid parade, then tuning in on "World War II In Color" reruns that I have seen a million times and then watching the game.  All this and the experience of stuffing my face with dip chips and onion dip.
      With that in mind, why not get up early and play in a fun tournament where most everyone is suffering from a hangover from the night before.  What fun!  I much prefer playing golf.  There is one problem and that is I still can't swing a club because of my back. You can conclude from what I just said that my day yesterday was not spent on the course having fun, but sitting at home on the couch bored to tears scarfing on onion dip and drinking fruit punch crystal light.
     I was going to write today as if I had played in the tournament and intended to give you results of that tournament.  Those results never happened and the events in the tournament I was going to write about never happened.  After some time of deep thought I decided that that would be a little, for want of a better word, stupid so I am not going there. Don't get me wrong, I wish it had happened and I am really looking forward to when I can play again.
     Please be assured of one thing.  I am not going to play with you on this.  I am not going to submit you to that kind of nonsense, so don't worry.  The idea should not have crossed my mind in the first place.  It would have been a grave disservice to you and a critical blow to my credibility as a writer.  I am not going to do it to you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


   Please be patient, I will have a brilliant post for you shortly.  I am watching a fantastic college football game.  It is Nebraska against Georgia.  Be back in a bit, and if not I will post tomorrow.